About Darin C. Wright, EMTM

Coaching Philosophy & Approach

Darin’s passion in personal & professional growth aka human potential began decades ago while he was a Midshipman at the U.S. Naval Academy (USNA). One summer while at USNA, he was invited to visit Success Motivation Institute (SMI) located in Waco, Texas. SMI has since become Leadership Management International (LMI). SMI contacted him because he had requested a book from them. Based on Darin being a Midshipman at USNA, one of the foremost leadership schools in the world, he was asked to become a northeastern distributor of SMI’s personal development products. He declined the offer due to his need to focus on his studies, but he did purchase SMI’s goal-setting products which he still has today decades later. He began applying the SMI personal development concepts while as college student and integrating them with the knowledge he acquired from his leadership classes and training. Since then, he has been a continuous learner of personal and professional growth and development.

Over the years his leadership and personal development styles have continuously evolved with his own growth. Today, as a coach, he believes one’s heart and mind are the foundation for their success and lasting results in any area of their life.

While the standard coaching focus is on “results”, Darin wants to ensure his clients are aiming for results on the right target. All too often people spend their life seeking success in the wrong profession or area. He begins with leading his clients to determine their passion/purpose; then assists them with defining and clarifying their vision; and then establishing the proper goals to actualize their vision. He collaborates with them to bring awareness to their BETS (beliefs, emotions, thoughts, and stories) so they may assess if their BETS are preventing their breakthrough and growth.

Darin’s belief is that to live a fulfilled life, one’s growth must be based on the “whole person” concept, something he learned at USNA. Thus, his coaching philosophy incorporates the mind-body-spirit connection. He encourages his clients to focus on their health & wellness along with learning to mediate and spend time in Nature even if he is not directly coaching them in those dimensions. One must have ample energy to stay the course and the mental resilience to navigate any setbacks.

I M Possible Mall

His experience in individual and organizational growth has been acquired from being a corporate consultant to major corporations, corporate trainer, college instructor, entrepreneur, and certified coach in multiple areas. As an entrepreneur, he owned multiple businesses including Field of Dreams, a retail store that offered a portfolio of products from the greatest growth and development teachers. Today, his Field of Dreams concept has become the I M Possible Mall (I M) comprised of multiple businesses committed to personal, professional, and organizational development. Darin co-hosted three growth & development radio programs and been a newspaper contributor of the same subject matter.

Darin has developed multiple platforms and programs to encourage, educate, and empower individuals and organizations. Here are few programs of the programs:

Platforms and Programs

  • Shared Experiences
  • Level Up Thinking
  • The Power of Now
  • Vine & Verse
  • I M WELL Health & Wellness
  • Professional Executive Program
  • Inside/Outside on Wellness Wednesday
  • I aM huMan
  • Walk the Talk
  • Escape Velocity4Reel
  • Go & Grow
  • Power Brunch

Coaching Dimensions (One-on-One & Group)

  • Life Coach
  • Executive Leadership Coach
  • Transformation Coach 
  • Holistic Health & Wellness Coach
  • Conscious Living Coach
  • Entrepreneur Coach

Organizational Consulting

  • Organizational/Business
  • Development   Team Development

Darin has spent his entire career uplifting individuals and organizations. He has provided coaching services to individuals and groups (employees). He is one of few individuals with coaching, entrepreneurial, consulting, college teaching, and corporate training experience. His broad and diverse education and experience in personal, professional, and organizational development makes him an exceptional and leading coach, consultant, and instructor.

His commitment to making a difference includes community development, social justice, and environmental sustainability. In addition to I M Possible Mall (I M), the I M portfolio includes the non-profit, I M University (I M U) which is responsible for establishing corporate social responsibility protocols for social, economic, and environmental sustainability; I M Cooperative which is for small businesses and entrepreneurs; and I M 4 Unity, a community development initiative.

Coaching & Health & Wellness Credentials

  • Certified Professional Life Coach
  • Certified Diet & Nutrition Coach (Internationally Accredited)
  • Food & Nutrition Certificate (Stanford University School of Medicine)
  • Certified Successful Goal-Setting Coach
  • Learning Coach (Technology Productivity Tools)
  • Transformational Coach
  • Vegan Nutrition Health Coach (Currently in training)
  • Cook Real Food – Plant-Based Meals (Currently in training)

View Darin’s executive bio to learn about his consulting, instructor, and entrepreneur background.


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Unleashing the Power Within for Purposeful Growth

By combining introspection, alignment with core values, focus on the right targets and holistic well-being, we strive to support our clients in achieving profound personal and professional transformations.